
Tea Craft Inspiration: Seven Tribesmen's Citrom


Seven Tribesmen's Citrom shows once again why crisp beers, great citrus flavors, and the right black tea make superb bedfellows.



The elements of this beer include.

Weiss beer. Wheat beers make a great platform due to their light color, robust head, and fragrant fruit/spice notes from the yeast.

Citrus. Lemon and citrus notes deliver the shandy character of this beer, and further extend the light, refreshing, and fruity qualities

Organic Yingde black tea. OCB014 Organic Yingde black does especially well in Citrom. Yingde is known for its malty sweetness, and its mild astringency adds just the right amount to the the mouth-watering briskness to accentuate the tartness of the lemon.


While shandy and Arnold Palmer-type beers are popular in the warmer half of the year, their crisp, balanced flavors make them as versatile as the iced teas that are enjoyed year-round.

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